Garden update July

Where has the time gone?  Already July and I am just getting to a garden update.  June was super busy with the end of the school year and kids activities.  After all of that a bit of R&R was in order.  This past Independence Day weekend was the first time I felt like I had a moment.


So here is my garden update.  I have never had a garden look this good.  Not. Ever.  The extreme heat, coupled with measured irrigation has allowed everything to grow so well.  It has been wonderful for the tomatoes and peppers.


The tomatoes are loaded with blossoms.

Blossoming_tomatoesthe leaves on the okra are huge!

Okra_Huge_leavesThe Zucchini plants look amazing and have 4″ long fruits on them.  the eggplant, tomatillos and ground cherries also look extremely healthy.

Growing_ZuchinnisI harvested the last of my snap peas and took a cutting of broccoli.  when the broccoli is all done we will till in the foliage and prep our fall crops in that area.  We have to be careful because we have at least a dozen “volunteer” tomatoes that are looking beautiful.

Everything looks a bit short this year.  Like the plants can’t afford to get too tall. The only problem that I can report are some unwanted visitors.


That being said, I feel for the farmers though.  As I drive around town, I see them irrigating their fields, something they don’t normally need to do.  Irrigating is not, to my knowledge, even a standard practice for most Western New York farms.

How about you, how does your garden grow?


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