I am so excited to be prepping our new veggie garden. We didn’t have time to start a vegetable garden last year because we had so much yard clean up (more on that in another post).
The extent of my veggie growing was in a small garden at the corner of our house and garage and a some pots on the deck.
I was able to grow a good election of herbs, lettuce, kale Swiss chard and 2 tomato plants.
They did okay, but we had to rely on our remote garden for most of our production. We were so busy working on our new property it was hard to get to the remote garden enough. Between the weeds and the critters, it was a tough year. Here is a picture of one of the better garden hauls which is pretty lame compared with other years.
We spread a whole lot of lime to sweeten the soil and the ashes from our fire pit to give a little potassium and nutrient boost.
Later that night we had a nice light rain that washed it all in. As soon as it dries up, we will begin tilling. Today I will be starting the seeds that will be transplanted to the garden.
Our soil is pretty awesome to begin with. The Swiss chard and kale in the little garden above got to be about 2 feet tall by October. I never took a picture of it, but all who saw it were amazed by the soaring size of it. If our veggie garden has half as good of soil, I will be thrilled with our yields. I am looking forward to a bountiful harvest. Like, getting tired of canning and freezing all of the harvest, bountiful.
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